Albrecht Altdorfer: the painter who immortalized the victory of Alexander the Great

The Battle of Alexander is an oil painting created in 1529 by German artist Albrecht Altdorfer, a pioneer of landscape art and founding member of the Danube School. It depicts the Battle of Issus, which pitted Alexander the Great against Persian King Darius III in 333 BC. Historical context The Battle of Issus was one […]

The Wedding at Cana by Veronese: a monumental and festive painting of the Renaissance

The Wedding at Cana is an oil painting on canvas by the Italian painter Veronese, created between 1562 and 1563 for the refectory of the Benedictine monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. The painting depicts a biblical scene of Jesus’ first miracle, the transformation of water into wine at a wedding banquet, transposed into […]

The breath of God: the creation of Adam by Michelangelo 

The creation of Adam is one of the most famous frescoes in the history of art, painted by Michelangelo on the vault of the Sistine Chapel, in the Vatican. It depicts the moment when God gives life to Adam, the first man according to the Bible and the Quran. Historical context of the work The […]

The School of Athens: a fresco that celebrates the philosophy and humanism of the Renaissance

The School of Athens is a fresco painted by Raphael between 1508 and 1512. It is located in the Room of the Signature, one of the four rooms decorated by the painter in the apartments of Pope Julius II at the Vatican. It depicts the main philosophers and scholars of Greco-Roman antiquity, gathered in a […]
