Incredulity of Saint Thomas: the painting that caused scandal in Caravaggio’s time

Caravaggio (1571-1610) was a 17th century Italian painter, considered the leader of the Baroque movement. He is famous for his dramatic use of chiaroscuro, his realistic representation of characters and his ability to express human emotions. Among his most striking works, The Incredulity of Saint Thomas is a masterpiece that caused scandal in its time and continues to fascinate today.

Historical context

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas is a religious painting created around 1603 by Caravaggio. It is part of a series of paintings commissioned by Marquis Vincenzo Giustiniani, a Roman patron and collector. The painting is housed in the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam.
The subject of the painting is taken from the Gospel according to John (20:24-29), which recounts the episode where the resurrected Christ appears to his disciples and invites Thomas, who doubted his resurrection, to touch his wounds. This theme was common in Christian art because it illustrated faith and divine mercy.
Caravaggio probably drew inspiration from earlier iconographic sources such as Giotto’s frescoes or Dürer’s engravings. However, he distinguished himself by his original and innovative approach, which broke with the conventions of religious painting of his time.

Description and analysis of the work

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas is an oil on canvas measuring 107 x 146 cm. It depicts a dark and intimate scene where four characters are gathered around a table. In center Christ dressed white sheet opens coat guides Thomas hand towards wound side. Thomas dressed red advances curiosity incredulity while other two apostles also red observe scene astonishment.
Caravaggio creates striking contrast between light illuminating Christ’s face body shadow enveloping apostles. He uses shortened perspective give impression characters close viewer. He renders details great precision such wrinkles beards clothes fruits table.
The work is characterized by its expressive strength realism. Caravaggio does not seek idealize characters but show their humanity emotion. He represents Christ simple humble man allowing himself touched by Thomas. He shows Thomas skeptical rational man needing tangible proof believe. He thus suggests complexity diversity attitudes facing mystery resurrection.


The painting caused scandal in Caravaggio’s time for several reasons:

It shows Christ ordinary man without halo divine attribute allowing himself touched by apostle.

It represents apostles old wrinkled poorly dressed men far classical idealization.

It uses violent chiaroscuro creating dramatic contrasted atmosphere.

It stages realistic crude gesture Thomas inserting finger Christ’s wound.

These artistic choices shocked Caravaggio’s contemporaries who saw offense dignity majesty Christ saints.Some even accused painter blasphemy heresy.Caravaggio thus broke conventions religious painting time opened way new style more expressive personal.

The painting also aroused admiration influence many painters such Rembrandt Rubens who took up his style theme.His work invites us reflect meaning faith relationship between visible invisible.

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas masterpiece Caravaggio testifying artistic genius personal vision religion.He revolutionized religious painting giving new dimension doubt emotion.He created timeless universal work still challenges us today.
