Souvenir of Mortefontaine by Corot: a painting that celebrates nature and memory

Souvenir of Mortefontaine is an oil painting created in 1864 by French artist Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, considered the precursor of Realism and Impressionism. It depicts a peaceful and harmonious scene in the park of Mortefontaine in Oise where Corot liked to go to paint. It is housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris and is part of the Romantic movement.

Historical context

Souvenir of Mortefontaine is set in context end Second Empire marked by political social tensions urban industrial transformations wars Europe. Corot who achieved success late was then recognized appreciated painter. He regularly exhibited at official Salon where he received medals state purchases.
In 1864 he presented two paintings at Salon: Souvenir Mortefontaine Gust Wind. The first was particularly noticed by critics Napoleon III himself who decided to acquire it for Fontainebleau Castle. The painting is considered masterpiece Corot synthesizing his style personal vision nature.


The painting depicts idyllic scene in park Mortefontaine estate belonging banker Achille Fould friend Corot. The painter often stayed there and made many studies on site. He was inspired here by pond surrounded trees reflecting cloudy sky.
In foreground we distinguish woman children near tree. They seem to belong bourgeoisie elegant attire relaxed attitude. They are painted with fine precise strokes rendering their shape clear realistic.
In middle ground we see pond its verdant banks where trees various species mix. Landscape painted with broad fluid strokes creating impression atmosphere light. Colors are soft harmonious dominated greens blues grays.


Souvenir Mortefontaine is emblematic work Romanticism expressing feelings emotions painter facing nature memory. Corot creates poetic melancholic image referring to ideal distant world.
The painting illustrates theme memory recurrent in Corot’s work. The painter does not faithfully reproduce reality but reinterprets it from his impressions memories. He thus mixes elements observed on site with imagined elements borrowed from other places. He thus gives his canvas universal timeless character.
The work also testifies to talent innovation Corot revolutionizing art landscape. He uses original bold technique varying stroke according plans: fine detailed foreground; broad blurry middle ground. He thus anticipates style Impressionists who will draw inspiration from his work to represent luminous atmospheric effects.

Souvenir Mortefontaine is unique work art history combining realism poetry. It reveals genius personality Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot one greatest French painters 19th century. It invites viewer contemplate peaceful harmonious scene transcending limits time space.
