The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice revisited by Nicolas Poussin

Nicolas Poussin is a 17th century French painter, considered the leader of classicism. He created many landscapes inspired by nature and antiquity, including the famous Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice, housed in the Louvre Museum.

The subject of the painting

The painting depicts an episode from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, a collection of mythological poems. It tells the tragic story of Orpheus, an exceptional musician who marries Eurydice, a nymph. On their wedding day, Eurydice is bitten by a serpent and dies. Orpheus, in despair, decides to descend to the Underworld to bring her back to life. He charms the god of death, Hades, and his wife Persephone with his lyre and obtains permission to leave with Eurydice on one condition: he must not turn around to look at her before leaving the realm of shadows. Alas, Orpheus cannot resist temptation and turns around as they reach the exit.

He then sees Eurydice disappear forever. Poussin chooses to depict the moment when Eurydice is bitten by the serpent while Orpheus plays the lyre without noticing and without paying much attention to afflicted Eurydice. He sets the scene in an idyllic landscape where nature seems to celebrate the love of young newlyweds. On right we see yellow drape on which are placed two flower crowns. In center temple dedicated Apollo god music sun father Orpheus according some versions myth. On left Saint Angelo Castle Rome originally mausoleum Emperor Hadrian. Smoke escapes from top monument perhaps evoking funeral pyre sacrifice.


The painting is constructed according rigorous harmonious composition typical Poussin’s classical style. He uses linear perspective create depth illusion reality. He divides space into three planes: foreground with characters plant elements middle ground with temple river third plane with castle mountains. He also creates balance between geometric shapes: triangle formed by characters drape circle formed by temple river square formed by castle.

The painting is also remarkable for its treatment light colors. Poussin uses warm varied palette contrasting with cold dark tones Underworld other representations myth. He plays shadow light effects create relief movement. He highlights main characters with bright color touches. He also creates poetic melancholic atmosphere using soft harmonious nuances.


Poussin’s painting can be interpreted as reflection on power art fragility human life. Orpheus symbolizes artist seeking express passion transcend mortal condition through creative genius. Eurydice symbolizes ephemeral beauty inspiring artist but constantly eluding him. Landscape symbolizes nature offering artist ideal setting for his work but also hiding deadly dangers. The painting can also be read as allegory love death. Orpheus Eurydice embody pure sincere love defying laws fate gods.

Landscape embodies joy bliss accompanying love threatened death. Saint Angelo Castle represents imperial power guaranteeing peace prosperity but also reminding vanity human greatness. Finally painting can be seen expression Poussin’s personal sensitivity. The painter himself experienced several dramas in his life: he lost his wife Anne-Marie Dughet in 1664 his protector Paul Fréart de Chantelou in 1661.He also suffered chronic illnesses affecting his health work.He may have found in myth Orpheus Eurydice way translate pain hope.

Landscape with Orpheus and Eurydice is masterpiece Nicolas Poussin illustrating his talent landscapist taste antiquity. It is also rich work meaning emotions inviting meditate universal themes art love death.
